Mr. Book just finished Playing God: An Evolutionary History Of World Religion, Vol. 3: Islam And The Eastern Religions, by David Fitzgerald.
I am a big fan of David Fitzgerald’s books, so when I saw Seth Andrews, The Thinking Atheist, send an email saying that he had a new three volume set of books, I knew I had to get copies of them and review them here. I had already given Volumes 1 and 2 A+’s and now it’s time to move on to Volume 3.
The author perfectly sums up all religions’ “histories” when he said, “Surely if we have learned nothing else so far in this book, it’s that sacred histories are never reliable. Never. Ever.”
This book provides a devastating critique of Islam. Among its highlights are discussions on Muhammad and his origin story, how incomprehensible the Quran really is and how there is no good evidence that Muhammad ever existed.
After he finishes with Islam, the author then takes on eastern religionsm before concluding with a chapter on other fictious characters throughout history (Homer, Aesop, etc.).
Each book in this series has earned an A+ and induction into the Hall of Fame. Goodreads requires grades on a 1-5 star system. In my personal conversion system, an A+ equates to 5 stars. (A or A+: 5 stars, B+: 4 stars, B: 3 stars, C: 2 stars, D or F: 1 star).
Reading this series has motivated to add the author’s other books to my list of those to reread, so I can write reviews about them there. Since my reading list is always a long one, I don’t know when it will be their turns, but they will be on the list.
This review has been posted at my blog, Mr. Book’s Book Reviews, and Goodreads.
Mr. Book finished reading this on August 27, 2024.